Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Art of Storytelling: Irish Folk Tales for Children, Sharon Kennedy

Irish Folk Tales

Many of the best stories are never written down. This St. Patrick's Day, I'd like to take the opportunity to call attention to an outstanding storyteller whose CDs should be in every family's collection: Sharon Kennedy.

We (well, my husband) bought Kennedy's Irish Folk Tales for Children before a family trip to Ireland to help keep our young children entertained in the rental car. We were all beguiled by these charming stories and Sharon's lyrical storytelling. Inspired by - and incorporating elements of- traditional folktales, Kennedy weaves magic, humor, bravery, and compassion into every story that she makes uniquely her own. Our children begged to listen to them over and over again, and this CD became the soundtrack of our exploration of the beautiful scenery of the Burren, Galway, and Connemara in Western Ireland. Five or so years have passed since our trip, our children are of course that much older, and these are still a top choice for our family.

More Irish Folk Tales

Eventually we also bought More Irish Folk Tales for Children. These are just as charming and magical as the first CD.

Patchwork Quilt

And later we discovered The Patchwork Quilt, a collection of (non-Irish) stories representing diverse cultures. Among them are the tales of Lucretia, a young African American girl on a journey to find her long-lost sister after emancipation and the end of the Civil War; a brave Scottish princess who fights off a sea monster and saves her country; and Pablo, who outsmarts la bruja -a witch- by guessing her name.

Kennedy's stories are enchanting and always offer a positive example of children being smart, brave, caring, and resourceful. I hope you will enjoy them as much as our family does. Visit Sharon Kennedy's website for more information about this remarkable storyteller, sample audio clips, and information on how to purchase her wonderful CDs.

Happy listening!


  1. Thank you for this. It fits nicely with my post so I will be linking to it.

  2. Glad you enjoyed it! We just adore her stuff. Thanks for letting me know, be sure to leave a link here for readers when it's up :D

    It's up. : )

  4. Thank you for inviting me to post my link.
    I hope you enjoy the flash fiction story.

  5. Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I found your blog on BookBlogs and am now following. Please feel free to check mine out as well.


  6. Thanks so much for the visit- following you as well! Happy blogging!

  7. Thanks for stopping by and following! I am following back.


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