Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sleepy Sunday Lit Links

It's all about women writers in this edition of sleepy Sunday Lit Links! The following are some of my favorite reads from around the web from the past week - bring your coffee and enjoy.

There's been a lot of talk this year (again this year) about books by women authors not getting equal attention from reviewers. Melanie Page seeks to create a little balance in the literary universe with her new review website Grab the Lapels, featuring books written by women and reviewed by women. HTML Giant interviewed Melanie recently - she talks about her inspiration for the blog, how women and men perhaps read differently, and more. Thanks to Karen Lillis (@bookstorememoir) for sharing on twitter.

"Thinking about girlhood having been a girl (or to be inclusive, even having been a human child) is a little like plunging your hands into a compost bin made of your memories." - Helen McClory, this month's Writer in Residence at online literary journal Necessary Fiction. McClory is featuring an exciting series of stories, novel excerpts, and essays exploring "Girl Lit." Read her introduction and reading list for the month and check out the latest in the series. and writer Roxane Gay hope to help broaden the conversation around feminism and expand opportunities for writers by calling for submissions from feminists of color (including feminists of all genders). Sure to be a thought-provoking, powerful series.

Last but not least, how cool is it that the National Book Awards choices for "5 Under 35" are all women?! None of whom I have yet read, though I enjoyed this lovely video of NoViolet Bulowayo reading an excerpt from her novel We Need New Names. Adding to the ever-growing TBR....

Happy Sunday, and happy reading!


  1. Great roundup here! Thanks so much for sharing all of these. I'm definitely heading over to check out Grab the Lapels. Great name, too...

    1. Thanks so much - glad you enjoyed them. Love the name and the whole concept behind the blog - promises many more great reads for the tbr :D

  2. Interesting links! I haven't read any of the authors on the "5 under 35" list either. I will probably add some of their books to the TBR pile, too.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the links- yes, wonderful to learn of the five new (to me, anyway), exciting voices.

  3. It's important to have equality overall, but I like Roxanne Gay's idea in particular (partly because the women/men review thing is ongoing). Pushing feminism and going one step further, making it truly equal. Good plan.

    1. Agree- I think some really interesting & unexpected perspectives could come out of it - looking forward to reading them!

  4. Ooh, I love this roundup -- I hadn't heard that about the '5 under 35' -- so cool!

    1. Thanks, Audra! Yes, they seem exciting new (to me, anyway) voices to check out. BBC has also just announced their story prize shortlist- also all women!

  5. Great post! Thank you for so many great links to articles etc. about female authors. I've never really thought about whether the authors I review are male or female. I'm going to pay more attention and look into this issue. One think I really enjoy is the Orange Prize for fiction...or did enjoy. I know it's been renamed but what I loved is that it highlights women authors. Now I'm off to check out these links!


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