Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thirty Photos - Diadems and Details

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

I was chatting about the Thirty Photos/Thirty Days project with writer Chris Galvin over on twitter - we considered how the project has encouraged us to see new things in the everyday  -  or as Chris tweeted, how the process "opens [one's] eyes to things one otherwise might have missed."

These little gems of light only appear in our front hall at certain times of the late afternoon, and only when the light shines through the door pane in a certain way. One has to be home, of course, to see them - and then actually looking at the right time. So despite the constant, everyday presence of the etched glass, these lovely, crystalline light patterns are actually fairly rare, and the gift of seeing them even more so. It surprises me every time.

How has exploring creativity in a new medium changed your "eye" for the everyday?

Find other wonderful participating bloggers and learn more about the Thirty Photos in Thirty Days project over at Chris Galvin's blog.


  1. These are lovely! At my house too, there are certain times of day when the slant of light creates a special moment, an artwork seen and then gone. Glass is usually involved. At night, a pattern of shadows from the moon through the trees creates a pattern on the wall that I've tried to photograph, but have never been successful.

    1. That sounds lovely- so frustrating when you can't get quite the photo you want. (This one was challenging & didn't quite get there either). We get some great moonshadows here too - think about them often on late night dog walks- but know they won't come through, at least not on my modest camera... so, a different approach? a different medium? or maybe they just perk until it all becomes clear.

  2. That's a beautiful light moment! and the 30 in 30, for me with my video, the tasks not only opens my eyes, but also my ears: i am more conscious about sounds, and when i see something that might be interesting to film, i first stand and listen. on the other hand, there have been videos when i was so focused on getting the camera movement right, that it was only later, when watching, that i noticed the sounds in the background.

    1. So interesting! Sounds are so often are things we have gotten used to and thus no longer notice, or that we deliberately tune out so we can focus on other things. Lovely to bring your attention back to them.

  3. Your comments make me wonder how many fascinating things I miss because my eyes aren't 'open' at the right moment. Or they're open, but don't really 'see.'


Thanks for visiting - thoughts welcome.